
Beyond Asana

Beyond Asana
Opening the heart, mind, and body

Asana Pranayama practice (on hold…please fill out the very brief survey indicating level of interest and which days and times you are able to commit to practicing together.)
Days/time: TBD per above mentioned survey results
Current class focus: getting the body and breath warmed up for the day.
*This is a led practice with minimal corrections given due to limitations of online venue. Each yogi must be mindful of one’s own limitations and attend to any modifications necessary.
Venue is temporarily on Meet while we harmonize the COVID-19 situation.
Please contact me to receive the video room link.
A donation is requested to enable someone else to participate (pay it forward).
Requested donation:
$30/month welcomes you to unlimited attendance to practice of Beyond Asana and Ji Juju;
$10 for drop-in;
In-kind hour-per-hour support very welcome. 
Your support is greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible.
Please fill this liability waiver form prior to joining a class. Thanks! 

Yama Niyama practice (on hold…please fill out the very brief survey indicating level of interest and which days and times you are able to commit to practicing together.)
Days/time: TBD per above mentioned survey results
Current class focus: the yamas, niyamas, and the qualities of enlightenment.
Venue is temporarily on Meet while we harmonize the COVID-19 situation.
Please contact me to receive the video room link.
A donation is requested to enable someone else to participate (pay it forward).
Requested donation:
$120 for 10 sessions;
$75 for 5 sessions;
$20 for drop-in;
In-kind hour-per-hour support very welcome.
Your support is greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible.
Please fill this liability waiver form prior to joining a class. Thanks! 

The Beyond Asana course is different than most public yoga classes which focus primarily on one limb of the yogic path, the postures (asanas). This course develops an understanding of the eight aspects of practicing yoga with particular attention to the dynamic interaction of the mastery of one’s social (yama) and personal (niyama) conduct with the mastery of one’s body, breath, and mind. In addition, the qualities of enlightenment are discussed to give a perspective on how practicing the eight fold path of yoga, particularly the asanas/postures, will cultivate these attributes.

Jayshree has been practicing yoga in the Iyengar tradition regularly since 1993. She graduated from the advanced studies/teacher training program at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in San Francisco and has studied at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune in Feb 1997 and Feb 2008. The class is taught with the Iyengar tradition of yoga in mind with emphasis on alignment and the use of props which allow students of all abilities the opportunity to grow safely into the poses while experiencing the benefits of the postures at every stage in their development.

Although yoga is a deeply personal and spiritual practice, the the mission of  Beyond Asana is to encourage people to understand the interconnectedness of all systems and beings, and the responsibility we each bear for our individual and collective well-being.

The Eight Fold Path of Yoga

  1. Yamas-Mastery of Social Conduct
    • Ahimsa: without tumult
    • Satya: truth
    • Asteya: not clandestine
    • Brahmacarya: exemplary growth, expansion, evolutionary impersonal self-development
    • Aparigraha-unlimited by possessions 
  2. Niyamas-Mastery of Personal Conduct
    • Saucya: clean, unpolluted
    • Santosa: content
    • Tapas: transformative, ardent effort
    • Svadhyaya: introspective self awareness
    • Isvara Pranidhana: surrender of ego and will
  3. Asanas (Poses)-Mastery of Physical Body
  4. Pranayama-Mastery of the Breath
  5. Pratyahara-Mastery of the Sense Organs
  6. Dharana-Mastery of Concentration
  7. Dhyana-Mastery of the Mind
  8. Samadhi-Freedom from all suffering/Enlightenment/Satori/Nirvana/Complete Absorption/Ultimate Tranquility


ॐ सह नाववतु ।
सह नौ भुनक्तु ।
सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Saha Nau-Avatu |  (Our togetherness protects us/ Que todos juntos nos protejan)
Saha Nau Bhunaktu |  (Our togetherness nourishes us/Que todos juntos nos cuiden)
Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai |  (Together we support each other’s efforts/Que todos juntos ayuden entre ellos)
Tejasvi Nau-Adhiitam-Astu |  (Our efforts bring brightness to the world/Que nuestro esfuerzo traiga luz al mundo)
Maa Vidvissaavahai |  (Our togetherness is harmonious/Que todos juntos sean armonia)
Aum Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||  (Peace, Peace, Peace/Paz, Paz, Paz)

Concluding Mantra

ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |  (Let us go from the untruth to the truth/Vamos de la mentira a la verdad)
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |  (Let us go from the darkness to brightness/Vamos de la oscuridad a la luz)
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |  (Let us go from the fear of death to the knowledge of immortality/Vamos desde el miedo a la muerte hasta el conocimiento de la inmortalidad)
Aum Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||  (Peace, Peace, Peace/Paz, Paz, Paz)

Qualities of Enlightenment

Virya-Courage or Energy or Effort
Metta-Loving Kindness


In solidarity with the Yoga Therapy Program at the Sambhavna Clinic for survivors of 1984 Union Carbide Gas Disaster in Bhopal.

Dr. Jayshree Chander has been practicing yoga in the Iyengar tradition regularly since 1993. She graduated from the advanced studies/teacher training program at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in San Francisco and has studied at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune in Feb 1997 and Feb 2008. Jayshree also practices medicine and ashiatsu, writes and podcasts a blog (, performs dance, music, and poetry (, and meditates daily.






Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.



    Greg NeidigerReply

    It is my sincere hope that this class can continue with its aims to teach yoga holistically, that is, to encompass the entire practice or path, of which asana is but a part. There are innumerable places to work on poses for 90 minutes. It’s a service to the community that Jayshree and Adeline Yoga Studio hold a space for this class to exist.

    • Jayshree Chander, MD, MPHReply

      Greg, your presence enriches our class. I’m very glad you feel this class serves you for the intention is to serve us all.


    L MReply

    Jayshree teaches an amazing class. Not only is she excellent at instructing on yoga posses, but, perhaps even more importantly, she leads amazing discussions that feed the soul and get to true purpose of yoga. I organize my weekends on being able to attend to this class.

    • Jayshree Chander, MD, MPHReply

      Thanks, Leslie. You are one of my most dedicated students. Your life is clearly transforming. Your presence enriches the class immensely.



    Jayshree starts each class by telling new students”This isn’t your typical yoga class” And it is true. This class embodies everything that yoga is actually about. You take time at the beginning of the class to meditate, and explore the human experience. When the asana part of the class begins, you have the opportunity to work on mastering each pose, with individual feedback and support. This class is truly for any ability, and is the first time I was able to ever focus on my practice without worrying about how I was not as good as the people around me. This class was often the highlight of my week and I would highly recommend it to anyone.

    • Jayshree Chander, MD, MPHReply

      Katie, it is so clear that you apply what you learn in class in your life. That is what the practice of yoga is about. It is always a pleasure when you are with us.

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