
Walk Your Doc

The Walk Your Doc program invites you to take a doctor, hopefully me, out for a walk/run.

Originally, I was going to partner with the Walk With Your Doc program, but then I recognized that docs need to walk their talk. Thus, I created Walk Your Doc!

Many physicians, anywhere between 3575%, depending on demographics, neglect their own physical fitness due to professional and personal obligations, citing fatigue, time constraints, and long working hours as their reasons/excuses. One study suggests that physically active doctors tend to encourage their patients more often to be more physically active compared with more sedentary physicians. So, it benefits everyone to keep us docs fit. 

This is an opportunity to connect with each other in a relaxed and informal way. We can meet in person or connect on a group call by phone while walking. I will encourage each of us to share something they observe on the way along with the sensation or feeling that accompanies the observation. We may also incorporate some silliness if the mood is right.  

Walk Your Doc
Friday evenings at 5:30 PM PST
Contact me for meeting place or call-in information.
Please fill this liability waiver form prior to joining a class. Thanks! 

With that said, I’m inviting you to Walk Your Doc! All ages, body shapes, and fitness levels are welcome. For those of you who are based in my locality we can meet in person and walk outdoors together for 45 minutes on Friday evenings at 5:30 PM PST. Please contact me for meeting place or call-in information. Your can join remotely if you like. As I want you to walk safely, we will just have an audio connection so you can keep your eyes on your path.

We will aim for accomplishing a “Marathon-A-Month,” logging 26 miles/41 kilometers every month. You can walk independently one mile each day or 3+ miles two days a week. Just let me know you did it and I will acknowledge each “marathoner” in our newsletter at the end of each month. 

I hope this activity inspires us to build community, connect with and enjoy the outdoors, fresh air, in all kinds of weather. (Please dress for the weather.) Collectively, we will advocate for municipalities to preserve easily accessible green spaces in which regular physical activity and relationship with the outdoors can be maintained.

I’m Keen! Keep Me in the Loop!


Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.

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