Community Engagement Action
Spring into Summer
May 6, 2022 /
Community Engagement Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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Spring holds many beginnings and a wide berth for transition. Slowly heat builds Spring into Summer. We invite you similarly to grow your passions. Passions point to the heart and in Ayurveda passion is infused with heat. Feel willing to follow your curiosities early and share your processes openly. Take your interests to their point of impact.
We are currently encouraging you to connect with the earth, the soil, the plants in your surroundings. As such we suggest you bridge community by weaving your strengths and surplus with any local organizations that are also encouraging gardening education and community gardens. This could look like visiting your local community gardening, supporting a gardening business, learning something new about the plants in your neighborhood to share with your loved ones, or simply making a one-time or renewing donation. Here are a couple virtual visit options for your inspiration:
Please share with us your experience with all that is happening in your communities in the comments below. #gardens #communitygardens #ReadySteadyGo
-This post was authored by Wana Shue
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Listening Local
October 18, 2021 /
Art in Action,Community Engagement Action,Taking Action
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This week we invite you to engage your local music community. Although this might have been best accomplished by showing up in person for a show or performance at a neighborhood bar, the rise of the delta variant of COVID-19 suggests that we should exercise caution before deciding to attend crowded events. There are, however, a number of alternative ways to get involved with your local music community.
Visit local parks and gardens where local performers are filling the air with their self-expression. If you pass a performer you enjoy, take the time to look for their information, they often have a social media and Venmo handle listed. If you like what they’re playing, it’s likely worth a Venmo tip or Instagram follow, or even a coin or a bill in their tip jar. Even if it isn’t your favorite music in the world, it still feels good to support your local artists who have really been hit hard economically by our society’s response to the threat of COVID-19.
Many musicians share their work on platforms like Reddit, Soundcloud, and Spotify where you can stream their content, the simplest and most effective way of finding new music and listening local, though it can’t compare to a live, in person, analog experience.
Whether you’re able to get out and see a local performer live or on a digital platform, supporting musicians in your community is a wonderful way to feel more connected. Let us know which artists you’ve found by using the hashtags #ListeningLocal and #ReadySteadyGo!
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Black Businesses Matter
September 20, 2020 /
Community Engagement Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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While it may seem daunting to ”fix” racism in our communities, it is helpful to remember that system changes have to start with small steps. What can we do on a local level? How may our Black brothers and sisters be impacted socially, economically, or emotionally? This week we simply ask that you support a Black-owned business! Shop beauty, foods, books, music, appliances, clothing, accessories, decor and more!

Source: KQED.
Chef Chew, Chef Leilani, Chef Nigel Jones
Photo credit: Evan Morsell, Sharome Skinner, Bethanie Hines
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Animals Are People Too!
August 29, 2020 /
Community Engagement Action,Global Action,Political Action,Taking Action
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In exploring the connection between humans and animals with the underlying question of whether there are mutual benefits, an area in which the benefit is perhaps undeniably one-sided is the global trade of wild animals for purposes of food, entertainment exotic pet sales, or traditional medicines. These animals are treated very differently according to national and sometimes local laws that offer minimal protection. This week we ask that you consider signing this petition against animal cruelty or supporting the cause in another way that speaks to you.
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Animals in our Communities
August 23, 2020 /
Community Engagement Action,Taking Action
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What do animals mean to our own communities? In this trying time of a pandemic and California wildfires, people are feeling isolated and both animals and people are unfortunately being displaced. Many folks are seeking support from animal shelters near and far either for adoption or for assistance with their animals who need new homes. This week, we ask that you simply spend time at a local animal shelter, park, farm, or wildlife sanctuary if you are able. Share what you notice about how your community interacts with animals!

Petting Zoo in Amsterdam
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Library Learning
July 31, 2020 /
Community Engagement Action,Global Action,Taking Action
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In the last week of our summer reading adventures, we encourage you to explore an endangered and precious global institution of reading, knowledge, cultural preservation, and community connection – your local library!
Check out what is happening at your local public library. There may be
interesting events, virtual tours, classes, new books to read, and who knows what else! Let us know what you discover.
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Let’s Talk About Books!
July 23, 2020 /
Art in Action,Community Engagement Action,Interpersonal Action,Taking Action
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How has your summer reading been? We invite you to share your reading experience from the last 2 weeks with our community.
Tell us about the book(s) you are currently enjoying in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Now, Ready, Steady, Go!
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Get Your Very Own Library Card
April 8, 2019 /
Community Engagement Action,Taking Action
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This week´s action item is to visit your local library and get yourself a library card. Because books are amazing and reading is fun. And fun is great for your sense of well being.
A library card will allow you to borrow books, music, films, magazines. Your mind will grow and your spirit will soar.
Learning is a lifelong adventure we start as soon as we are born. When we continue learning we stay young and feel a sense of vitality and wonder that is typical of children.
Reading a book is more relaxing than reading off a screen. Listening to music helps you access your emotions. Hearing words and notes within the cavern of your own mind fosters your imagination and creativity.
Libraries are a place where we can share physical objects like books, films, music and tools, as well as ideas and time. Libraries create the connection with our communities that we are all craving.
Get your library card this week.
P.S – If you feel like it, take a photo of yourself with your card in front of your library and share it with us.
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Ending Poverty in America
August 20, 2015 /
Community Engagement Action,Political Action,Taking Action
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Members of the U.S. Congress are on recess this month through Labor Day (September 7). This is a great time to make your voice heard on the importance of protecting families who receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC). Meeting face-to-face is the most effective action you can take to influence your members of Congress. Make a Difference – Schedule Face-to-Face Meetings with Your Members of Congress.
Find contact information for the district office of your member of Congress through the RESULTS website (under “Staff” tab). You can also call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your representative’s/senator’s office.
I just did it. I sent my senators emails. It was the easiest thing ever. Thanks to RESULTS for making it so easy.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) helped hardworking families make ends meet; they lifted 9.4 million people out of poverty in 2013, including 5 million children (Access data for your State .)
Despite the success of these pro-work tax credits, 16 million Americans, including million children, could fall into or deeper into poverty if Congress does not save key EITC and CTC provisions.
Are you interested in learning more about fighting poverty but you’re not sure where to begin? Learn more about RESULTS by joining us for an introductory call, signing up for action alerts, or reading up on our latest campaigns. YOU can be a voice for change and challenge the systems that create poverty around the world!
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Addressing Pogonophobia
August 7, 2015 /
Art in Action,Community Engagement Action,Global Action,Taking Action
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“Living in an Unfinished America: Shared Experiences of Discrimination and Resilience by Arab, Muslim, and Sikh Americans,”
Pogonophobia is the irrational, persistent and often unwarranted fear of beards. The word is derived from Greek pogon (beard) and phobos (fear).
The San Francisco Human Rights Commission and The Women’s Building will host a community photo project on
Islamophobia and post-9/11 ethnic and racial discrimination. The project, entitled “Living in an Unfinished America: Shared Experiences of Discrimination and Resilience by Arab, Muslim, and Sikh Americans,” showcases the lived experiences of community members through photography and narrative.
The project will be on display at
The Women’s Building
3543 18th St #8, San Francisco, CA 94110
Wednesday, August 12th from 5-8pm.
City and community leaders will provide remarks at 6pm.
Members of the public are invited to attend. Everyone is welcome!
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.