Ending Poverty in America
Members of the U.S. Congress are on recess this month through Labor Day (September 7). This is a great time to make your voice heard on the importance of protecting families who receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC). Meeting face-to-face is the most effective action you can take to influence your members of Congress. Make a Difference – Schedule Face-to-Face Meetings with Your Members of Congress.
Find contact information for the district office of your member of Congress through the RESULTS website (under “Staff” tab). You can also call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your representative’s/senator’s office.
I just did it. I sent my senators emails. It was the easiest thing ever. Thanks to RESULTS for making it so easy.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) helped hardworking families make ends meet; they lifted 9.4 million people out of poverty in 2013, including 5 million children (Access data for your State .)
Despite the success of these pro-work tax credits, 16 million Americans, including million children, could fall into or deeper into poverty if Congress does not save key EITC and CTC provisions.
Are you interested in learning more about fighting poverty but you’re not sure where to begin? Learn more about RESULTS by joining us for an introductory call, signing up for action alerts, or reading up on our latest campaigns. YOU can be a voice for change and challenge the systems that create poverty around the world!
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