
Prevention Ambulance

The Primary Prevention Ambulance is a collective of neighborhood bicycle vendors of fresh organic produce and eggs, replete with lights, faux sirens, and a jingle as catchy and recognizable as the local ice cream truck.  Why? Because easy access to locally grown fresh organic vegetables and fruits is the foundation for good nutrition and a healthy diet.

The Primary Prevention Ambulance brings good food, sourced from local urban gardens and area organic farmers, directly and conveniently to people’s neighborhoods allowing them to avoid driving, traffic, parking, and hassling with long lines at the grocery store. It brings people out of their homes and offers them an opportunity to interact with their neighbors thereby cultivating friendships and local social capital. People also avoid the temptation of buying junk food. 

In many parts of the world it is common for produce vendors to come through residential neighborhoods. Housewives are often seen shopping in their “house clothes” for the vegetables they will cook that very day. People do not generally buy produce many days in advance.  With “Westernization”, grocery stores are coming into vogue. Along with grocery stores come increased prices, unnecessary packaging, longer transportation and cold storage times, all resulting in diminished access to fresher, less expensive produce. The relationship between the seller and the buyer is also vastly different.

Beyond Holistic aims to create collectives of neighborhood vegetable vendors in order to give independent vegetable vendors greater capacity to compete with chain grocery stores. Primary Prevention Ambulances in the USA and India will partner with each other in support of each others’ efforts.

Photo credit: Angie Davidson

Photo credit: Angie Davidson

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