
Viewing all items for tag animal-human interaction

Share Your Experience, Share Your Prosperity

Invite someone, a friend, a neighbor you like, someone on your block you see around but don’t know yet, anyone to join you for a walk around the block.

Even if anyone can’t join you at this time, share with someone a story from your walk(s). In conversation build out awareness of your environment through these changing of seasons. Broadening your self-awareness is fostered with broadening (y)our consciousness and considering the people, plants and animals around you. Speak your care.

On your path was there a plant or animal you had an interaction with?  

What does this plant or animal need from the springtime?

What does this plant or animal give to the springtime? 

What have you been needing differently?  A loved one? Your neighbor?

What offerings have you extended to yourself in this new day? To a loved one? To your neighbor?

#SharingIsCaring #SharingIsProsperity

-This post was authored by Wana Shue

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