Viewing all items for tag animals
Animals Are People Too!
August 29, 2020 /
Community Engagement Action,Global Action,Political Action,Taking Action
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In exploring the connection between humans and animals with the underlying question of whether there are mutual benefits, an area in which the benefit is perhaps undeniably one-sided is the global trade of wild animals for purposes of food, entertainment exotic pet sales, or traditional medicines. These animals are treated very differently according to national and sometimes local laws that offer minimal protection. This week we ask that you consider signing this petition against animal cruelty or supporting the cause in another way that speaks to you.
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Animals in our Communities
August 23, 2020 /
Community Engagement Action,Taking Action
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What do animals mean to our own communities? In this trying time of a pandemic and California wildfires, people are feeling isolated and both animals and people are unfortunately being displaced. Many folks are seeking support from animal shelters near and far either for adoption or for assistance with their animals who need new homes. This week, we ask that you simply spend time at a local animal shelter, park, farm, or wildlife sanctuary if you are able. Share what you notice about how your community interacts with animals!

Petting Zoo in Amsterdam
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Pets Unite People!
August 14, 2020 /
Interpersonal Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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Animals seem to help humans bond with each other! “Pet parents” often say that through the process of caring for their pet they got to know their own neighbors or other fellow pet parents on a more personal level. This week, we encourage you to reach out to someone you know who has a pet and ask about how their animal friend is doing. A small gesture may go a long way!
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Living with Animals
August 7, 2020 /
Individual Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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Research has shown that there are profound mutual benefits from the human-animal interaction that include mental and physical well-being (McCune et al, 2014). Let’s explore the various aspects of these bonds together! Ready, Steady, Go!
This week, we invite you to simply reflect on how we choose to live with animals. How do you feel about animals living with humans? Think dogs, cats, fish, birds, rabbits, hamsters, turtles, pigs, rats, snakes, lizards, gerbils, and more! Would you agree with the research presented that the benefit is mutual? Who among you decided to start living with an animal during the COVID-19 shutdown and why?
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.