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May your Summer of Bicycling Begin!

May is National Bike Month in the USA and June 3rd is World Bicycle Day. Summer has just begun. Beyond Holistic encourages you to get on your bicycle as much as possible this summer, whether it is to commute to work, pick up something from a store, go visit a friend, take a short or long leisurely ride in a natural setting, or just tool about town.

Try it, you´ll like it.

Bicycling benefits you, as well as the environment. Instead of polluting the air and water with the waste products of fossil fuel combustion, you will be powering your transportation with your own muscles fueled by real food. Pedal Power! Power to the Pedal!

If you have not ridden a bicycle in years, it isn´t hard to get back on. There´s truth in the old adage, “It´s just like riding a bike!”; once you learn to ride, you never forget.

If you have the luxury of being in a climate which allows for year around bicycling, go for it! Besides the extra exercise, you may enjoy your surroundings in a fresh way. You may interact with the people, animals and places along the way. You may find yourself feeling more relaxed, with a more positive outlook on life.

Safety is important, so wear a helmet and follow the rules of the road. Also, consider joining your local bicycle coalition. If you don´t have one in your locality, consider forming an organization that can advocate with city planning and transportation departments for the safety and convenience for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Let us know how it goes. If you need a little extra encouragement, take a listen to this short Nei Jing Now! podcast with the director of a national institute who got back on a bicycle after a hiatus of 35 years.


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