
Animals in our Communities

What do animals mean to our own communities? In this trying time of a pandemic and California wildfires, people are feeling isolated and both animals and people are unfortunately being displaced. Many folks are seeking support from animal shelters near and far either for adoption or for assistance with their animals who need new homes. This week, we ask that you simply spend time at a local animal shelter, park, farm, or wildlife sanctuary if you are able. Share what you notice about how your community interacts with animals!

Petting Zoo in Amsterdam'

About Meena Nair, MPH, MS, RN

Meena was born and raised in the East Bay Area in California. She has worked in primary care for the last 5 years. Trained in public health, she is passionate about the overlap between health, wealth, and education from a sociocultural context.

Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.

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