
Beyond Asana: Opening the Heart, Mind, and Body


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Beyond Holistic Newsletter
  Beyond Asana: Opening the Heart, Mind, and Body
by Jayshree Chander

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Dear Friends,

A warm thank you to the “three musketeers” (you know who you are) for inviting me to restart the Beyond Asana course online when we all retreated into our homes in mid-March this year. My heart and thoughts continue to be enriched by our connection, practice, meditations, and discussions. The conventional and traditional definitions of the yamas and niyamas are getting updated based on our recent discussions. We are transforming the world, one breath and one thought at a time.

For ease and continuity of practice, we are focusing our attention on the first four limbs of yoga practice in 2 separate sessions. Asana (mastery of physical body/poses) and Pranayama (mastery of breath) practice is happening three days of the week. Our in depth explorations of the Yamas (mastery of social conduct), Niyamas (mastery of personal conduct), and the qualities of enlightenment take place once a week. See below for scheduling details.

Beyond Asana

Asana Pranayama practice
Days:Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Time: 06:00-07:00 AM PST
Venue: temporarily on Meet while we harmonize the COVID-19 situation.
Please contact me to receive the video room link.
A donation of $1 is requested, and is not required. Your support is greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible

Yama Niyama practice
Time: 18:30-20:00 PST
Venue: temporarily on Zoom while we harmonize the COVID-19 situation.
Please contact me to receive the video room link.
A donation of $10 is requested, and is not required. Your support is greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible

Looking forward, staying present,

Jayshree Chander, MD, MPH
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Family and Community Medicine

Share the Wisdom:  
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Ready, Steady, Go!


May your Summer of Bicycling Begin!
May is National Bike Month in the USA and June 3rd is World Bicycle Day. Summer has just begun. Beyond Holitic encourages you to get out on your bicyle as much as possible this summer, whether it is to commute to work, pickup something from a store, go visit a friend, take a short or long leisurely ride in a natural setting, or just tool about town.
Get Your Very Own Library Card This week´s action item is to visit your local library and get yourself a library card. Because books are amazing and reading is fun. And fun is great for your sense of well being.
Super Friend Friday An “African Proverb” says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”


      What is Beyond Holistic?
Beyond Holistic is dedicated to helping you and your medical professionals prioritize your well-being; grow health assets; expand the conversation about what is relevant to health and medicine; and transform the profession of medicine.


Some Good Reads

•  Covid19 Lessons so far
•  Ode to Minamata


Latest Podcast

•  Your lungs matter
•  Teacher Appreciation



Stories of Resilience
Beyond Holistic invites you to share your story of prevention, resistance, resilience, courage, and recovery.
Please feel free to contact me. Your story can be shared anonymously, if you prefer. Read our stories>>


Support Beyond Holistic
Beyond Holistic is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are fully tax deductible and are routed through Pesticide Action Network North America with their generous administrative support.


Beyond Holistic delivers inspiration to its more than 3,000 subscribers. We never spam or host any advertising. And you can unsubscribe anytime, within seconds.On our website, you can view our podcast archive.'

About Rodrigo Rochin

I am Rodrigo Rochin from Mexico. I love writing and I enjoy being part of the Beyond Holistic project, because it gives us a different perspective on life and resilience.

Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.

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