Interpersonal Action
Share Your Experience, Share Your Prosperity
April 18, 2022 /
Interpersonal Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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Invite someone, a friend, a neighbor you like, someone on your block you see around but don’t know yet, anyone to join you for a walk around the block.
Even if anyone can’t join you at this time, share with someone a story from your walk(s). In conversation build out awareness of your environment through these changing of seasons. Broadening your self-awareness is fostered with broadening (y)our consciousness and considering the people, plants and animals around you. Speak your care.
On your path was there a plant or animal you had an interaction with?
What does this plant or animal need from the springtime?
What does this plant or animal give to the springtime?
What have you been needing differently? A loved one? Your neighbor?
What offerings have you extended to yourself in this new day? To a loved one? To your neighbor?
#SharingIsCaring #SharingIsProsperity
-This post was authored by Wana Shue
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Share a Song
August 16, 2021 /
Art in Action,Interpersonal Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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Chloe (age 6) and Anna (age 8) Delamotte playing strings in North Beach, San Francisco.
Music, as impactful as it can be, is even more powerful together. Scientific research tells us that listening to music stimulates areas of the brain that regulate emotions, and a result, increases experiences of empathy. To foster social connections and connect more deeply, this week we are encouraging readers to share a song you love, with a person you love. Perhaps even consider asking those close to you to send you some of their favorite tunes.
You may or may not share the same taste in genre or style but broadening your listening repertoire can bring you closer to those around you, and yourself. Whether you build a joint playlist on Spotify or burn an old-school CD, or even older, a mixed tape cassette, remember that the purpose is to listen not just for enjoyment, but for connection.
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Spark A Chat About Race
September 12, 2020 /
Interpersonal Action,Newsletter,Taking Action,Uncategorized
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Designed by Freepik
Now let’s take this test to the test! This week, share the implicit bias test with a change maker you trust. Think friend, family member, coworker, boss, religious leader, teacher, etc. Encourage the same exercise of self-examination and then a simple act of change that he or she might implement as a result.
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Pets Unite People!
August 14, 2020 /
Interpersonal Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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Animals seem to help humans bond with each other! “Pet parents” often say that through the process of caring for their pet they got to know their own neighbors or other fellow pet parents on a more personal level. This week, we encourage you to reach out to someone you know who has a pet and ask about how their animal friend is doing. A small gesture may go a long way!
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Let’s Talk About Books!
July 23, 2020 /
Art in Action,Community Engagement Action,Interpersonal Action,Taking Action
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How has your summer reading been? We invite you to share your reading experience from the last 2 weeks with our community.
Tell us about the book(s) you are currently enjoying in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Now, Ready, Steady, Go!
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
Who is Your Book Buddy?
July 17, 2020 /
Art in Action,Interpersonal Action,Taking Action
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Image Credit: Cliparts #2599492
So, what did you read?! Following up from last week, this week we invite you to share your experience with someone, anyone. Discuss what you chose to read and in turn, ask about the last book they read for fun. Who knows – you might find your future favorite book!
Share your pleasure! Ready, Steady, Go!
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.
SuperFriend Friday
March 12, 2019 /
Individual Action,Interpersonal Action,Lifestyle Action,Taking Action
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Cartoon courtesy of Gustavo Rodriguez
An “African proverb” says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
This week’s action item is to reach out to a friend or family member on Friday. Contact someone you haven’t talked to in the last month, or the last year, because you were just too busy. Pick up the phone and dial their number. Leave a voice message instead of sending a text message. Texting is the lowest form of communication. Even ESP is more accurate!
Take note of how you feel after you have had a conversation with that person, preferably face to face, but at least voice to voice. Find the satisfaction about any aspect of that moment and savor the feeling. Let it simmer and inspire you to repeat frequently
Let me know in the comments below how taking this action feels to you. I look forward to hearing how each of us goes far together with our friends.
Please Note: Doctor Chander cannot practice medicine via the internet; no matter how hard she presses on the keyboard she won't be able to feel your pulse. Doctor Chander will not dispense medical advice via email - if you have health concerns please schedule a consultation or see your doctor. For full disclaimer please see Disclaimer Page.